We’re excited to announce that the heartfelt and soulful new single, Been Everywhere but Me by Marc Biala, has joined our A-List Playlist. This melodic and uplifting ballad will play every couple of hours, ensuring […]
We are very pleased to announce that the delightful and melodic new folk pop single ‘Catching Rainbows’ from ‘Charlie Harris ‘ is now on our A-List Playlist. Listen out for it night and day on […]
We’re excited to share that Simon Jegzs’ powerful and melodic new single, “America is a Miracle,” continues to ride high on our esteemed Daily A-List Playlist. Be sure to listen day and night as this […]
“Can I Get a Minute” by Jfons is a melodic and timeless R&B ballad that exudes a warm feeling with its smooth vocals and classic sounding production. PLAYLIST AND RADIO INTERVIEW “Can I Get a […]
The head of music for londonfm.digital said that he loved the beautiful new single ‘Sun Come and Shine’ from ‘Jennifer Porter’ and has put it on the daily A-List playlist. “Sun Come And Shine” by […]