The head of music for said that he loved the new single ‘Any Cost’ from ‘IS the WizARd’ a.k.a Manoj V. Mathew (pronounced Muh-naj) with it’s totally infectious, empowering, mesmerizing, entrancing distinctive rap that hypnotizes you, alongside the addictive repetitive beats and Rythm that keep you grooving and wanting more. For that reason, it’s gone onto the A-List and will be played on the playlist + as a special powerplay at approx 10:25 PM every night for a month.
IS the WizARd is a chistian Hip Hop / Hip Hop artist from Chicago, IL. His objective is to:
– To glorify GOD & witness for Jesus Christ, my Savior & King
– To ensure that people see they are not alone
– To help all people see their true power, beyond self-serving things, as GOD’s children
– To see people come together, embracing differences
– To fight oppression of any kind via the aforementioned actions
You may also enjoy his other new single 1Day.