The new single ‘London’ from ‘MrJamyes’ with it’s dreamy, sophisticated, classy pop sensibility and inspiring synth pop production is on the playlist now.

The head of music for said he loved the new single ‘London’ from ‘MrJamyes‘ with it’s dreamy, sophisticated, classy pop sensibility and inspiring synth pop production. It’s a haunting, catchy, anthemic and euphoric beat driven single with melodic vocals that send shivers down the spine, as it takes you on a groovy synth laden journey back to London. The single is now on the daily playlist and will be played 2-3 times per day in general rotation + as a special daily superspin at approx 4:30 PM UK time for a month or more.

MrJamyes an artist from the north. He starting playing the guitar already at the age of ten where Metallica was a big inspiration. A few years later piano entered his life with inspiration from Evanescence. After a long academic career ending up in a PhD in economics he took up music again, this time by adding electronic influences to the melodic heavy metal genre.