The head of music said he loved the new single ‘Exit Lane’ from ‘Christopher Cross‘ with it’s strong vocals, rap, distinctive flow and solid beats and catchy chorus that sticks in your head. The single is well produced with a beat driven vibe and real life story telling rap that is entrancing Londoners with it’s dope sound and vibe. The single is now on the daily playlist and will be played 2-3 times a day in general rotation + as a daily powerplay at approx 5:45 PM UK time for a month or more.
Christopher Cross is a 29-year-old rapper and rock musician from Decatur, Illinois. He’s been making music for 15 years and has been working full-time as an HVAC technician during that time. Christopher started rapping and making music as a hobby in his early teenage years and has since turned it into a full-fledged career.