‘No better time of year’ from ‘Izzy Bisek’ with it’s beautiful, warm and uplifting production and melodic vocals is on the playlist now! Christmas songs 2021

The Head of Music at londonfm.digital said he loved the new single ‘No better time of year‘ from Izzy Bisek with it’s beautiful, warm and uplifting production and melodic vocals that are full of sentiment and Christmas 2021 wishes. The well produced and heartfelt song is currently on the daily playlist and will be played 2-3 times a day in general rotation and also as a powerplay daily at approx 12:25 PM UK time daily.

Tune in on the Discover Media Radio player at https://discovermediadigital.com/discover-radio-player or direct at londonfm.digital

Izzy Bisek ‘No better time of year’, which can be found on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify and other apps. This song is also currently played on various radio stations in South America. Enjoy listening